In today’s ever-changing global market, it is imperative to transact business with velocity and efficiency. Contract vehicles enable these key attributes and provide value to our customers. Below is a list of our major vehicles.
For further information on these or other RTX vehicles, contact the Contract Vehicle Center.
GSA schedules
Eligible Users: All federal agencies
RTX Role: Prime Contractor
Contract End Date: 01/26/2037
Contract Number: GS-35F-204GA
Ceiling: None
Contact Us: Bryan LeBlanc, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: An array of Information Technology products and services to include equipment, software, professional and electronic commerce services, systems analysis, design, installation, programming, integrated logistics support, training, third-party maintenance, and leases. In addition, Professional engineering and logistic services including instructor-led training, web-based training and education courses, course development and test administration; off-the-shelf and customizable print, audio, and visual instructional training devices; supply and value chain management; distribution and logistics transportation, deployment and training services; strategic planning for technology programs; concept development and requirements analysis; system design, engineering and integration; test and evaluation; acquisition and lifecycle management.
GSA MAS Catalog
Host: General Services Administration (GSA)
Eligible Users: All federal agencies
RTX Role: Prime Contractor
Contract End Date: 11/4/2025
Contract Number: 47QTCA21D001K
Ceiling: None
Contact Us: Tammy Harris, Contracts
[email protected]
Diana Filling, Contracts
[email protected]
Scope: This schedule is for Solipsys and covers an array of Information Technology products and services to include equipment, software, professional and electronic commerce services, systems analysis, design, installation, programming, integrated logistics support, training, third-party maintenance, and leases.
Government wide vehicles
Host: US Army Contracting Command (ACC) – Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG)
Eligible Users: All federal agencies. Centralized ordering
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 05/31/2033
Contract Number: W911NF-23-D-0005
Ceiling: $900 million
Contact Us:
Casey King, Program Manager - 478-919-7964 - [email protected]
Micca Armstrong, Contracts Manager - 469-999-8507 - [email protected]
Scott Clemenson, AMP Customer PM - 319.295.8455 - [email protected]
Scope: To provide the Army and other Joint Warfighter partners with a quick-reaction contracting vehicle to enable and accelerate the realization of new Army Modernization transformational OVERMATCH CAPABILITIES through rapid RDT&E prototyping, experimentation, testing, analytics, and technology insertion/integration – all aspects of operationalizing science through disruptive innovation for dominant Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) and Joint All-Domain Operations (JADO) capabilities.
AMP programs can include a wide variety of mission areas, such as:
- Technology Discovery, Innovation and Transition for Research and Development
- Winning in the Sub-Conflict, Competition Domain
- Penetration of Enemy Anti-Access and Area Denial Systems
- Dis-Integration of Enemy Anti-Access and Area Denial Systems
- Exploitation of Freedom of Maneuver to Defeat Enemy Objectives
- Convergence/Synchronization of Multi-Domain Capabilities for Decisive Overmatch
- Protection of Army Forward Positioned Assets/Soldiers (Forces) Against Advanced Enemy Threats
- Countering Adaptable Threats
- Electronic Warfare, Cyber and Sensor Technology
- Electronic Missile Guidance, Assured PNT, Counter BM, Counter CM, Counter Hypersonics, and Counter UAS Technology
- Information Assurance and Cyber Vulnerability Assessments
- Software Design, Development and Integration
- Materials Development, Integration and Employment
- Mechanical Design and Development of Components & Systems
- System Integration and Human Systems Interface (HSI)
Host: General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), Assisted Acquisition Service (AAS)
Eligible Users: U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
RTX Role: Prime Contractor
Contract End Date: 11/14/2031
Contract Number: Data Operations Pool: 47QFCA22D0028
Mission Operations Pool: 47QFCA22D0077
Aviation Pool: 47QFCA22D0134
Ground Pool: 47QFCA22D0169
Space Pool: 47QFCA22D0220
Maritime Pool: 47QFCA22D0274
Development / Systems Integration Pool: 47QFCA22D0335
Support Pool: 47QFCA22D0432
Training Pool: 47QFCA22D0481
Ceiling: None
Contact Us: Bryan LeBlanc, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Total solutions with scope including operations, maintenance, readiness, research, development, systems integration, and support for manned, unmanned, and optionally manned platforms and/or robotics, as well as the services that support those platforms and robotics.
- Data Operations Pool: Performance of Data Operations including all data collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination activities associated with manned, unmanned, and optionally manned platforms and robotics supporting mission performance. This includes traditional labor services as well as “as a service” support.
- Mission Operations Pool: Mission Operations includes performance of operational services not included in Data Operations associated with manned, unmanned, and optionally manned platforms and robotics supporting mission performance. This includes traditional labor services as well as “as a service” support.
- Aviation Pool: Maintenance, repair, and overhaul of manned, optionally manned, and unmanned aircraft.
- Ground Pool: Maintenance, repair, and overhaul of manned, optionally manned, and unmanned ground platforms and industrial machinery.
- Space Pool: Maintenance, repair, and overhaul of manned, optionally manned, and unmanned space platforms.
- Maritime Pool: Maintenance, repair, and overhaul of manned, optionally manned, and unmanned maritime platforms.
- Development / Systems Integration Pool: Systems integration, improvement, and/or engineering associated with manned, unmanned, and optionally manned platforms.
- Support Pool: All support services (except training) required for successful execution of a product, program, project, or process regarding platforms and robotics for land, air, sea, or space; the planning necessary to support operational missions; and the analysis of the results of an operational mission.
- Training Pool: All training (the providing of instruction) services required for successful execution of a product, program, project, or process regarding platforms and/or robotics for land, air, sea, or space.
Host: US Air Force (USAF)
Eligible Users: DoD
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 02/28/2034
Contract Number: FA868424DB015
Ceiling: $499 million
Contact Us:
Casey King, Program Manager – 478-919-7964 - [email protected]
Paula Cline Walker, Contracts Manager – 310-710-8372 –
[email protected]
Scope: The technology development areas, integration efforts and product development goals for the AT MAC ID/IQ are to provide security solutions and technologies as AT implementations for DoD for weapon systems, platforms, or other applications to protect DoD CPI or Critical Technology from reverse engineering. These technologies include, but are not limited to, software, hardware, component design, component packaging, materials development and application methods, manufacturing, and key management solutions.
AT MAC Technology and Product Development Areas:
- Secure Processing Environment - extending security from one device to
- Single board computers, custom microelectronics, commercial microelectronics, modified commercial processing devices
- Circuit design/modeling, digital twinning, physical hardware, intellectual property (IP), security management software, or hardware/software emulation
- Volume Protection and Sensors - establish and maintain secure physical
boundary around critical components in products
- Detection and prevention of non-privileged users from gaining access to critical components or information contained within
- Protections for Line Replaceable Units (LRU), and Shop Replaceable Units (SRU)
- Cryptographic Protection – design and demonstrate protection of critical
information in products and technology through cryptography
- Algorithms, cryptographic key generating methods, key storage products, or techniques to reduce the ability of an adversary to gain access to key material
Host: Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA)
Eligible Users: All federal agencies
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 03/31/2026
Contract Number: HQ0727-16-D-0006
Ceiling: $17.5 billion
Contact Us: Cale Hiroms, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: A broad scope of engineering design, development, and limited production work can be accomplished on ATSP4. Solutions can be developed for items that range in complexity from integrated circuits through circuit boards, modules, and assemblies to subsystems, systems, and systems of systems.
ATSP4 programs can include all engineering phases, such as:
- Analysis and Studies
- Design
- Development
- Systems Engineering
- Fabrication
- Prototyping
- Integration
- Installation
- Testing
- Training
- Limited Production
- Limited Logistics Support
A task fits the scope of ATSP4 if it addresses one of the following:
- Capability needs or deficiencies
- Performance needs or deficiencies
- Reliability, maintainability, supportability or sustainability
- Obsolescence, availability, or manufacturability
Host: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Eligible Users: All federal agencies
RTX Role: Prime Contractor
Contract End Date: 10/29/2024
Contract Number: HHSN316201200043W
Ceiling: $20 billion
Contact Us: Bryan LeBlanc, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Information Technology (IT) services and solutions. Ten primary task areas are as follows:
- Task Area 1: IT Services for biomedical research, health sciences, and healthcare
- Task Area 2: Chief Information Officer (CIO) support
- Task Area 3: Imaging
- Task Area 4: Outsourcing
- Task Area 5: IT operations and maintenance
- Task Area 6: Integration services
- Task Area 7: Critical infrastructure protection and information assurance
- Task Area 8: Digital Government
- Task Area 9: Enterprise Resource Planning
- Task Area 10: Software Development
Host: U.S. Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
Eligible Users: All federal agencies, including FMS
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 01/30/2029
Contract Number: N61340-19-D-1016
Ceiling: $12.6 billion
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
478-919-7964 | [email protected]
Scope: To provide aviation platform-level Contract Logistics Support (CLS) for maintenance, modification, aircrew and related services necessary to meet platform requirements. This includes logistics functions and maintenance tasks required to keep U.S. Government and its FMS customers’ aircraft ready, available, and operating worldwide. CMMARS may be used for platforms at all phases of the acquisition life cycle and may be funded with various types of Government appropriations or FMS funding.
CMMARS programs can include a wide variety of tasks, such as:
- Studies and Analyses
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Aircraft Modifications
- Aircrew for Operations and Flight Engineering
- Technical Directives and Data Package Development
- Technology Insertion
- Software and Hardware Engineering
- Systems Engineering
- Systems Integration
- Validation and Verification
- Test and Evaluation
- Certification
- In-Service Engineering and Technical Assistance
- Engineering Support for Repairs and Modifications
- Organizational, Intermediate, and Depot Level Maintenance and Repairs
Eligible Users: DoD: US Army, US Air Force, US Navy, US Space Force; decentralized vehicle, which allows users to use directly as if it is their own. DLA performs scope check.
RTX Role: Prime, single award
Contract End Date: 09/30/2025
Contract Number: SPRBLI-15-D-0017
Ceiling: $8 billion
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Spares, repairs, and related engineering services on RTX sole source products.
Host: Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Information Analysis Center (IAC)
Eligible Users: All federal agencies
RTX Role: Prime Contractor
Contract End Date: 03/30/2028
Contract Number: FA8075-18-D-0012
Ceiling: $48 billion
Contact Us: Bryan LeBlanc, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Scientific and Technical Information (STI), all research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) services and other research and development (R&D) related analytical services in the following scope areas: cyber security and information systems; defense systems; and homeland defense and security.
- Cyber Security and Information Systems domain scope includes: cyber security; software and data analysis; modeling and simulation; and knowledge management and information sharing.
- Defense Systems domain scope includes: weapons systems; autonomous systems; survivability and vulnerability; reliability, maintainability, quality, supportability, and interoperability (RMQSI); advanced materials; military sensing; energetics; directed energy; non‐lethal weapons and information operations; and command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR).
- Homeland Defense and Security domain scope includes critical infrastructure protection; weapons of mass destruction; chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) non-laboratory; biometrics; medical; cultural studies; and alternative energy.
Eligible Users: DoD
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 09/09/2031
Contract Number: FA865621DA004
Ceiling: $46 billion
Contact Us: Bryan LeBlanc, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: To provide rapid response applicable to all areas and lifecycle phases of weapons development to include weapons concepts, concept development, concept demonstrations, weapons system procurement, production, fielding, operations, and sustainment to quickly meet current and future weapons system requirements.
EWAAC programs can include a wide variety of tasks, such as:
- Science and Technology (S&T)
- Research and Development (R&D)
- Test and Evaluation (T&E)
- Integration / Assembly
- Production and Fielding
- Operations and Sustainment
- Modernization
- Prototyping
- Experimentation
- Studies, Demonstrations, Testing of prototypes
- Hardware and Software modifications
- Weapon Design
- System Modeling
- Data mining/collection/analysis
Eligible Users: All federal agencies
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 02/22/2027
Contract Number: FA8307-17-D-0010
Ceiling: $875 million
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Total lifecycle support of cryptographic and Information Assurance (IA) related products and Materiel Solutions Analysis (MSA), Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR), Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD), production, and product support. Task Orders will address installation of IA related products, studies, analysis of products, development, production, repair and logistics.
Host: General Services Administration (GSA)
Eligible Users: All federal agencies
RTX Role: Prime Contractor
Contract End Date: 3/1/2025
Contract Number: Pool 1 (GS00Q14OADU129)
Pool 3 (GS00Q14OADU328)
Pool 4 (GS00Q14OADU427)
Pool 5A (GS00Q14OADU515)
Pool 5B (GS00Q14OADU615)
Pool 6 (GS00Q14OADU727)
Ceiling: None
Contact Us: Bryan LeBlanc, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Total integrated solutions for a multitude of professional service-based requirements. The core disciplines of the contract include program management services, management consulting services, logistics services, engineering services, scientific services, and financial services. RTX's awarded Pools include the following scope areas:
- Pool 1 – Engineering Services, Human Resources Consulting, Environmental Consulting, Scientific and Technical Consulting, and Other Management consulting Services
- Pool 3 – Engineering for Military and Aerospace Equipment and Military Weapons, and Engineering for Naval Architecture
- Pool 4 – Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
- Pool 5A – Research and Development in Aircraft Parts, and Auxiliary Equipment, and aircraft Engine Parts
- Pool 5B – Research and Development in space Vehicles and guided Missiles
- Pool 6 – Research and Development in Aircraft.
Host: General Services Administration (GSA)
Eligible Users: All federal agencies
RTX Role: Prime contractor
Contract End Date: 12/16/2034
Contract Number: 47QRCA25DU267
Ceiling: None
Contact Us: Bryan LeBlanc, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Provide USG agencies with total integrated solutions for a multitude of services-based requirements on a global basis. Solutions may cross multiple disciplines, include ancillary support, be commercial or non-commercial, and use a variety of contract types. RTX was awarded six OASIS+ Domains:
- Technical and Engineering
- Research and Development
- Intelligence Services
- Enterprise Solutions
- Facilities
- Logistics
Data sheet
Host: Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Rapid Sustainment Directorate (AFLCMC/ RO)
Eligible Users: All DoD. Centralized ordering
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 7/29/2033
Contract Number: FA8003-24-D-0029
Ceiling: $975 million
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
478-919-7964 | [email protected]
Scope: The solutions provided under the RO MAC IDIQ support all aspects of identified or potential military, national security-related, and dual-use applications of related technologies and methods, as well as the development of tools, processes, and techniques that enhance the mission of the United States Government (USG). This IDIQ supports potential projects that demonstrate enterprise-level technologies, alternative material solutions, and/or standardize process solutions that enable and accelerate sustainment technology transition to multiple users across the USAF, DoD, and other government entities.
Eligible Users: DoD
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 8/31/2034
Contract Number: HHM402-24-D-0017
Ceiling: $370 million
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: The scope of this IDIQ encompasses the study, development, production, delivery, installation, and testing of High Frequency (HF) Over-The-Horizon-Radar (OTHR) systems and subsystem components which include hardware, software, firmware, and any combination thereof. The term HF OTHR includes focused skywave, line of sight (LOS), and surface wave propagation techniques.
Agency specific vehicles
Eligible Users: Air Force Range Branch and the Contracting Officers who directly support AFLCMC/HBZKA, HBZKB and HBZKC
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 6/23/2027 (Ordering Period 6/23/2021 – 6/22/2026)
Contract Number: FA8210-21-D-0015
Ceiling: $950 million
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Prototyping, production, sustaining engineering, and studies & analysis. This includes acquisition of subscale and full scale prototype systems, threat radar system upgrades/modifications, production, and engineering studies to support the overall mission of the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Aerospace Dominance Enabler Division’s Range Systems Branch (AFLCMC/HBZC).
Eligible Users: USAF
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 08/29/2025
Contract Number: FA8621-15-D-6279
Ceiling: $20.9 billion
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Design, development, installation, test, production, O&M and sustainment of aircrew and maintenance training systems and devices.
Host: Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Architecture and Integration Directorate (AFLCMC/XA)
Eligible Users: Air Force
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 11/14/2032
Contract Number: FA8684-23-D-B092
Ceiling: $900 million
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Provide Modeling, Simulation & Analysis (MS&A), Capability Development/Development Planning (CD-DP), Cost Analysis/Trades, Technical Risk Reduction/Test Engineering, Standards and Architecture Development and Curation, Software Development and Curation, and Advanced Synthetic/Virtual Simulator Environments Development for Operational Test and Training.
Eligible Users: US Army SMDC/STRATCOM
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 02/08/2026
Contract Number: W9113M-17-D-0006
Ceiling: $3 billion
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Wide range of missile defense, space and other applicable solutions in support of customers’ developmental and operational requirements; design, develop, demonstrate and integrate products focused on the development of Space/High Altitude (platforms, payloads, ground stations comms, space control) and Missile Defense (platforms, ground systems, sensors, missile systems, high energy laser and high power microwave systems, operational and range testing, survivability and nuclear effects, comms).
Eligible Users: DTRA, DOE, Host Nation Governments
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 6/4/2029
Contract Number: HDTRA1-18-D-0004
Ceiling: $950 million
Contact Us: Anton Smirnov, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: The CTRIC II contract supports the DTRA Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program in its operations and programs outside of the U.S.
The scope of the CTRIC II contract vehicle is to provide safe, secure, efficient, and accurate planning, organizing, management, integration, reporting, operations, maintenance, logistics, construction, and eradication support resources in the areas of decommissioning, extraction, dismantlement, handling, and transport to accomplish the following tasks:
- Elimination of solid/liquid-fueled rockets and air-breathing weapons, bombers, submarines, and other platform
- Disposal of the residual products and by-products of such systems
- Elimination of weapons of mass destruction support infrastructure and production facilities to include chemical and biological capabilities
- Storage and accounting for sensitive items of these systems and their warheads which are to be retained
- Non-proliferation of WMD expertise and sponsorship of collaborative efforts between WMD development experts and their respective laboratory and research facilities
- Design, eliminate, construct, and demolish horizontal (e.g., trenching, roads and railroads) and vertical (e.g., bunkers, buildings, and towers) tasks identified in applicable task orders
Eligible Users: NATO and Member Nations
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 05/10/2028
Contract Number: NCIA/BOA/42308522
Ceiling: None
Contact Us: Jon Olson, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), Missile Defense (MD), precision engagement, and homeland security
Eligible Users: NSPA
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 03/31/2025
Contract Number: LM-2015-01
Ceiling: None
Contact Us: Jon Olson, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: RTX products and services.
Eligible Users: DoD Agencies
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 04/14/2030
Contract Number: N00421-20-D-0088
Ceiling: $7.1 billion
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Support full rate production and installation of mission systems avionics, aircraft components, systems, and modification kits. Requirements shall support aviation platforms operated under Military, Military/Commercial, and/or Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, to include: fixed-wing (airplanes: prop and jet), rotary-wing (helicopters), unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAV), lighter than air vehicles (airships), as well as related mission and weapon systems. This shall include but is not limited to Military (MILAIR), Commercial Derivative Military Aircraft (CDMA), and Government Owned Commercial Aircraft (GOCA).
Eligible Users: All major Navy commands and agencies except NAVAIR
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 12/02/2028
Contract Number: N00178-19-D-8397
Ceiling: $50 billion
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Engineering, program management, and support services
Eligible Users: NAVSEA, NSWC CD
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 02/03/2030
Contract Number: N00024-20-D-6346
Ceiling: $982 million
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Products and/or services that are within six USV Family of Systems (FoS) Functional Areas; Payloads; Non-Payload Sensors; Mission Support Systems; Autonomy and Vehicle Control Systems; Ashore and Host Platform Elements; and Logistics and Sustainment. Products and services may be performed for existing or new product areas, programs, or missions.
Host: Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), Newport
Eligible Users: US Navy
RTX Role: Prime
Contract End Date: 07/31/2027
Contract Number: N66604-18-D-C819
Ceiling: $900 million
Contact Us: Casey King, Program Manager
[email protected]
Scope: Twelve Functional Areas across all variants of UUVs; Payloads, Hull and Structure, Propulsion, Energy Storage/Conversion, Electrical Power, Vehicle Controller, Software, Non-Payload Sensors, Vehicle Control Systems, Host Platform Elements, Ashore Elements, and Internal Architecture.
Other Transactional Authority (OTA)
Contact Us: Jonathan Carroll, Program Manager
[email protected]